16th Asia Pacific Roundtable on SCP

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16th Asia Pacific Roundtable on SCP
Type: Conference
Location: Pathumwan Princ...
Organizer: APR SCP and Thai SCP Association
Bridging Net Zero Transition by SCP and Circular Economy

When: 21-23 November 2022    I    Time:  Starting from 13:30 (Bangkok Time)   I   Venue:  Pathumwan Princess Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand / Hybrid Event   I   Register HERE


The APRSCP is an international, not-for-profit, network institution, legally registered as APRSCP Foundation in the Kingdom of Thailand. Established in 1997 with the active support of multilateral agencies such as UNIDO, UNEP, and UNESCAP, its main mission is to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Asia-Pacific, and enhance and strengthen cooperation in the development and implementation of SCP policies and practices.

Its flagship event, the Asia Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, has been held every 18 to 24 months since its inception to facilitate uptake of SCP research, policy and practice. So far, 15 roundtables have been organised. This year, the SWITCH-Asia SCP Facillity is a partner of the event. 


The 16th APRSCP will provide a platform for multi-stakeholders from Asia and the Pacific to come together to: 

  • Promote best practices, programmes, local initiatives, and lessons learnt on SCP, Circular Economy and Net Zero Emission related projects in Asia and the Pacific region.
  • Identify synergies and build cooperation to engage actively in the development and implementation of the SCP, Circular Economy, and Net Zero Emission 2030 and 2050 targets
  • Enhance discussions and share experiences and lessons learnt in scaling up existing and new SCP and Circular Economy technologies, strategies, tools and approaches through research and information awareness, capacity building, financing, and monitoring and evaluation.


Plenary Sessions

  1. Public-Private Regional Initiatives & Cooperation toward Net Zero Transition by SCP and Circular Economy

  2. SCP Regional Programme/ Activities to be implemented in the next 3-5 years on SCP and Circular Economy towards the Net Zero Transition in the Asia and the Pacific Region

Roundtable Sessions


Roundtable 1: SCP & Circular Economy in planning and implementation

Roundtable 2: Mainstreaming SCP & Circular Economy in priority sectors

Roundtable 3: Net Zero Transition with Collaborative Actions 


More information: www.aprscp.net